Sunday 3 April 2011

Preseason Ramblings

So it's been a while since the last update as we are in a pre season scramble right now and so much is undecided. Rosters are being finalised, clubs are deciding whether to support the site and provide extra info, the BUAFL season is only just releasing players from playoff runs and we are only a fortnight away from the opening round.

The roster implications of this season are huge, there has been more change of talented players than I've heard of before, not only that but most of it is in division. Over the next fortnight I hope to bring you an INs and OUTs list based on last years rosters and this years signings.

To the clubs that are unsure, anything submitted will be used verbatim unless instructed otherwise. Obviously I retain the right not to publish any submitted piece, but if I use it, it will be your words and not mine.

With the BUAFL season nearly over, especially for most of the teams that feed Div 1 North sides (Hull and Hallam being the exception) this weekend should see some increased numbers at practices and hopefully strengthen all teams a little. Numbers, Fitness and Youth always help out in a squad even if there is no time to win a starting spot come opening week.

So with a fortnight to go till opening weekend I will give a general overview of the teams and whether they have made progress in this off season.

East Kilbride Pirates (current Div 1 North Champions)

With some strong individual performances in BUAFL this year coming from local players I can only envisage the Pirates getting stronger. A big talented squad, unmatched in toughness and desire has seen them rule the roost in Div 1 North for a good few years. An excellent program, sound coaching, talented, athletic players and a bonus of being the long away trip for most teams should see them in good stead to repeat. I can see them repeating as champions but not sure it will be a comfortable ride. 8-10 wins.

Doncaster Mustangs

This is the squad with the biggest changes and it will lead to some exciting moments in this coming season. A hard and aggressive recruiting program has brought together a fantastically talented squad with high expectations. A huge and fast linemen group will dominate on both sides of the ball and they have the skill position back up to convert it to wins. Questions remain over their receiver corps but having seen the progress elsewhere I am sure they have worked hard to address this and I wouldn't be surprised to see a player explode from nowhere. Having worked with many of the offensive line at various levels I can vouch for their pass protection abilities and whoever wins the starting job (3 very good options btw) will have a good base to strike deep from. I going to be bold early and say that they will challenge the Pirates for the division title. 7-9 wins.

Gateshead Senators

Probably the off seasons biggest losers in terms of personnel, the squad has lost several players who contributed heavily to last season. Matthew Kidd (GB Lions SS) has left for Europe and a GFL season, Rob Campbell (GB Lions TE) is undecided but unlikely to play and Tom Crosier (GB Lions OT) has transferred to the Mustangs with several other linemen. There are always positives for Gateshead though, they have a fantastic youth set up which is good for 3-4 players a year who will come in and contribute from day 1. They are fairly isolated in terms of recruitment (although the association year of the North East Presidents may have cost them a few players) with 5 BUAFL teams within easy reach they should have been able to recruit well and expand the squad. There is also great news in terms of a true strength athlete joining the ranks and adding dominating prescience up front. If the Senators can make the most of the players in the area they will lead the middle group and challenge for the playoffs, if not then this could be the worst year in a long time. 3-6 wins. 

Manchester Titans

The newly promoted Titans have a taste for the big game and a freedom to go out and play ball. It'll be an uncertain year at first, the step up is quite big as there are teams that if the geography was different might be premiership teams. I think they'll handle the change well. Good squad size, fantastic area to recruit from, lots of BUAFL sides to add youth and an already experienced squad is a blueprint for continued success. An interesting factor will be no real rival games, they haven't met most sides before and they will probably be under estimated as new boys. If any team in Div 1 North sleeps on the Titans they'll know about it. Just like Merseyside I think it'll be a tough year fighting the middle ground in the division. 2-4 wins.

Merseyside Nighthawks

Another side that has made progress in recruiting, squad size has grown and there is a good feeling on Merseyside. Extremely talented receiver corps, and plenty of good athletes elsewhere makes the Nighthawks a dark horse this year. They have the talent and speed to score, and if they can pounce on early opportunities then they will compete in all games. The defense is an unknown quantity, last year had it's ups and downs, but they have been working hard and should settle down into a strong unit. It will be a tough year, they have made fantastic progress but I think their closest rivals may have made more. I think they will end up with 2-4 wins, thats quite a window but this will be a tight division.

Yorkshire Rams

The rams have had another sound off season, recruiting well building on a large talented squad they should do well. Big question marks over the QB remain since Pete Rogers' transfer to the Mustangs. It appears the pressure will be on a young QB from Leeds Carnegie who didn't have the most successful year leading a much fancied squad to a 2-6 record. They will play a brand of defense that whilst limited is effective, the shining light are the two middle backers Charlie Gough and Jim Harvey. They are both great athletes playing with a winning attitude and they will lead this defense in every facet of the game. The squad relies on a lot of BUAFL players so I hope they have had time to gel together before their opening game. They will suffer a little by virtue of playing 4 tough 'rival' games as there is no love lost with the Mustangs or Senators. 4-6 wins.

Overall Final Table Prediction
Pirates 8-2
Mustangs 7-3
Rams 6-4
Gateshead 3-7
Manchester 3-7
Merseyside 3-7 

That looks a might strange table but I feel it'll be a very strange year. After 6 games a pattern may emerge but I think first half of the season we'll all be unsure how it'll end. Thats great for the neutrals as the run to the playoffs will be very exciting. If one team has a poor season and the gains mentioned don't work out, I would expect the Senators to take the most advantage of it, they know how to win tough games.

So a quick round up there, would be glad to hear your feedback via the comments system.


  1. Who is the strength athlete that has joined the Senators?

  2. They will be an article out about the top 5 players to watch with more detail but he is a 6'5" strongman. A legitimate strongman competitor on the national stage for many years.

  3. I hear Jim Harvey, aka the hardest hitting safety in the league, aka the real 23, tore up the borders conference last year in BUAFL, and put the newcastle raiders on his back, single handedly beating Hallam and almost smashing brum. York have landed a quality player there.
